
Project Management:
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl
Department of Economic and Social History
Research Interests:
- Medieval Economic and Social History
- Global and Comparative History
- Ecclesiastical History, the Franciscan Order
- Material culture, textiles, silk, Sumptuary Laws
Select Publications:
- (ed.), Handling Diversity. Comparative Perspectives on Medieval and Early Modern India and Europe (The Medieval History Jounal 16/2, 2013)(forthcoming in March 2014).
- (ed.), Europas Aufstieg. Eine Spurensuche im späten Mittelalter (Expansion, Interaktion, Akkulturation 23), Wien 2013.
- (ed.), Der Ötzi pflückt das Edelweiß. Bausteine Tiroler Identität, Innsbruck 2011.
- (ed.), Pompa sacra. Lusso e cultura materiale alla corte papale nel basso medioevo (1420-1527) (Nuovi Studi Storici 86), Roma 2010.
- Alle Wege führten nach Rom. Italien als Zentrum der mittelalterliche Welt, Ostfildern 2010.
Project Contribution:
Dr. Gijs Kruijtzer
Department of Economic and Social History
Research Interests:
- Early modern period (1300-1800 CE)
- Ethics, Morality, Law, Rules, rule-breaking
- Identity, Visual Culture and Comparative History
- South Asia, Persianate societies, Europe, European expansion, Global History
Select Publications:
- with Jos Gommans and Lennart Bes, Dutch Sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825. Vol. 1: Bibliography and Archival Guide to the National Archives at The Hague (The Netherlands). Delhi: Manohar, 2001.
- with Pauline Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Camping with the Mughal Emperor: A Golkonda Artist Portrays a Dutch Ambassador in 1689.” Arts of Asia 35 (2005) no. 3: 48-60.
- Xenophobia in Seventeenth-Century India. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2009.
- “Pomp before Disgrace: A Dutchman Commissions Two Golconda Miniatures on the Eve of the Mughal Conquest.” Journal of the David Collection 3 (2010): 160-82.
- with Jos Gommans and Jeroen Bos, Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company. Volume VI: India, Persia, Arabian Peninsula. The Hague: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010.
- “The Fighting on the Wall: Deccan Animal Symbolism in a Eurasian Perspective.” In Laura Parodi ed., The Visual World of Muslim India: The Art, Culture and Society of the Deccan in the Early Modern Era, 143-76. London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.