Preliminary Programme

Vienna, 22-25 May 2014
- sessions: Elise Richter room (main building, staircase 1, first floor)
- breaks: Arcades of central courtyard, left side (between staircases 7 and 9)
(I) = presentation on India
(E) = presentation on Europe
May 22nd
19.00: Getting Together
May 23rd
9.00: Kings and lawmakers (Chair: Karl Härter)
- Corinne Lefèvre, Imperial Management of Legal Diversity: The Mughal Case (I)
- Sanjog Rupakheti, Status Differentiated Law and State Formation in Early Modern Himalayan South Asia (I)
- Cynthia Neville, The Limitations of Royal Justice in Later Medieval Scotland (E)
- Discussion
11.00: Coffee Break
11.20: Courts and court practices (Chair: Julie Billaud)
- Farhat Hasan, The Qazi’s Court in Mughal India: Imperial Laws and Local Practices (I)
- Sara M. Butler, Rejecting the Common Law: Standing Mute in Medieval England (E)
- Discussion
12.45: Lunch Break
14.15: Legal Pluralism (Chair: Rohit De)
- Nadeera Rupesinghe, Legal Pluralism in Early Modern Sri Lanka (I)
- André Wink, Law and Society in Medieval India (I)
- Mia Korpiola, Legal diversity – or the Relative Lack of It – in Early Modern Sweden (E)
- Discussion
16.15: Tea Break
16.35: Transition to Modernity (Chair: Alexander Fischer)
- Indrani Chatterjee, Disempowering Women and Becoming Modern? The Case from Fortress Bengal (I)
- Daniel Schönpflug, Constitutional Law and Diversity in the French Revolution: National and Imperial perspectives (E)
- Discussion
May 24th
9.30: Regulating Groups and Categorizing People (Chair: Tilmann Kulke)
- Sumit Guha, The Adjudication of Religious Headship (I)
- Karl Shoemaker, Muslims as a Legal Category in European Canon Law (E)
- Jovan Pešalj, The Habsburg Legislation Concerning Ottoman Migrants (E)
- Discussion
11.30: Coffee Break
11.50: Law and Religious Groups pt. 1 (Chair: Paolo Sartori)
- Ali Anooshahr, Muslims among non-Muslims: Creating the Islamic Identity through Law (14th century and onwards) (I)
- Stephan Wendehorst, Catholics, Protestants and Jews: The Holy Roman Empire, Legal Pluralism and Religious Diversity (E)
12.50: Lunch Break
14.15: Law and Religious Groups pt. 2 (Chair: Paolo Sartori)
- Blain Auer, The treatment of minority and non-Muslim communities under Muslim rule (1200-1400) (I)
- Discussion
15.15: Tea Break
15.35: Customary Law (Chair: Ebba Koch)
- Najaf Haider, Customary Law in Mughal India (I)
- Aparna Balachandran, The Law of Mamul: The History of Custom in Colonial and Pre-Colonial India (I)
- Ada-Maria Kuskowski, When Law had Personality: The Nature of Diversity in the Age of Personality of Law (E)
- Discussion
Mobile Discussants:
- Thomas Frank
- Anubhuti Maurya
- Uros Zver
May 25th
10.00-16.00: Diversity in Vienna (city tour by foot and bus)